Sunday 23 January 2011

Nobody knows how Clairvoyance or Spirit Connection works, all I know is that it works for me. The way I see it is that time isn't as straight forward as most people presume. I believe that the past, present and the future are closely connected and happening all at the same time. In fact my own belief is that everything has and is happening in the blink of an eye.

I also believe that we all have an eternal soul that has existed for ever and that we have all lived may lives ( probably in many various dimensions ). My own feeling is that we are travelling souls and that we contain within us, our past lives. That is one way that I can explain spirit connection or mediumship.
All of us have the ability to connect with our loved ones or the souls of our loved ones. Whether they have moved on to new lives or whether they are resting in between worlds.

I believe that I am nothing special and that any one of us can learn to connect with spirit and learn Clairvoyance. I encourage YOU to meditate and to use Creative Visualization to nurture your spiritual gifts.

At the moment I am working on some small books on the subject that I hope to release soon ( possibly in some kind of an E Book or Email format.)

Current Prices

Ruby Reading £15.00

A Full 10 card Tarot reading that can focus on any area of your life.
A combination of Clairvoyance and Spirit Connection.

Topaz Reading £11.50

A 6 card Tarot reading that can focus on any area of your life.
A combination of Clairvoyance and Spirit Connection.

Spirit Rune Reading £11.50

A rune reading that can focus on any area of your life.
A combination of Clairvoyance and Spirit Connection.

I accept any kind of payment for my readings but PAYPAL is preferable.

To arrange a reading please contact me here or via email to

Welcome to my New Blog

Hi my name is White Tarot and I am a Clairvoyant Tarot Reader, Rune Reader and Medium.

I specialise in doing Spirit Tarot readings and Spirit Rune Readings. During my readings I will see what I can see in your future and (by using the Tarot or the Runes and connecting with my guides and loved ones in spirit), I will give you guidance in any area of your life.

I will also see if there are any loved ones in spirit that want to connect for you and will pass on any messages that they have for you.

When I do one of my Readings it is very much like seeing a film in my head and sometimes like seeing photographs in front of me. I have no control over the pictures and images that I receive but will try to interpret them for you.

I will tell you exactly what I get and my readings are positive and for guidance.

My readings can focus on Love and romance, money, marriage, health or finances, however it is much better if you tell me what you want me to focus on.

I cannot control what loved ones in spirit connect with me during a reading but it is usually the ones that need to connect that will at that particular time.

Most of my readings, at the moment, are done via email and all I need to do a reading is a valid email address, your full name and date of birth. A photograph always helps the connection.

Before a reading I may ask a few simple questions such as

- What is your relationship status ?
- Are you looking for love or in a relationship etc.

I have learned to ask these questions because I don't want to spend an entire reading looking for love when you are already married !

Please feel free to contact me here or at
I can also be found at Facebook as White Tarot.